(CS-095) Case series: Xenograft used to promote granulation tissue without use of negative pressure therapy in wounds with exposed bone.
Patrick McEneaney, DPM; Rimi Statkus, DPM
Introduction: Difficult to heal wounds with exposed bone and underlying osteomyelitis.
Methods: Wounds were treated with aggressive surgical debridement followed by the application of xenograft fish skin to achieve progressive granulation over the wound. Negative pressure therapy was not used due to contraindications.
Results: Progressive granulation tissue was achieved over the exposed bone with osteomyelitis due to xenograft fish skin substitute. Healing of the wound was achieved in all cases.
Discussion: Negative pressure therapy is preferable to achieve granulation tissue over wounds with exposed bone. There are cases where negative pressure therapy is contraindicated in for example with low or unstable hemoglobin. Xenograft fish skin substitute can be used in these cases with aggressive debridement and conjunctive treatment of underlying infection to achieve rapid granulation tissue over exposed bone to heal the wound.